Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The other entry which I prepared along with my friend



The Symbol consists of three geometrical entities: A Curve and 2 thick straight horizontal lines intersecting the curve at the middle and lower middle half.

The curve represent the geometric hybrid of letter रु & R (as shown in the following figures) , While the Horizontal lines provide balance to the structure and denotes stability.

Reasons for choosing this Symbol

This symbol
primarily represents the Territorial Map of India. If we compare the Map of India and this symbol we can find that how the symbol takes the shape of India. This way the symbol projects an image of India which is Universal, equal to all and doesn’t have any particular association with any community or religion.

In the next image we can see ‘Bharat Mata’ and her Lion taking the shape of our currency symbol.


There are a number of features which make this symbol stand out and easily qualify for having the most compelling reasons for making it the symbol of INR. Here are a few of them:


The symbol of a currency should be unique and must stand out. This symbol is unique and stands out in a group of other Nation’s Currency symbols. Have a look:


The symbol must look distinct and elegant when written before numbers and values. Also it should look good as a symbol itself. The proposed symbol fulfills both the requirements. We can see how nice it looks when written as a currency sign before figures.

Independence from the letter R

As some countries (Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Mauritius and Seychelles) also use Rupee as their currency and Also countries like Russia and South Africa who have ‘R’ as a prime letter in their currency name (in Ruble and Rand) and in future may introduce their currency symbols designed around letter ‘R’, as shown below this symbol will help Indian Rupee to stand out from other countries currency symbol.


It spreads the message of unity as can be seen in the following figure.

Compatibility with both Hindi and English.

As shown previously this symbol can be related with the Hindi letter रु in word “रुपया as well as the English letter R in “Rupees” making it a currency symbol that can be recognized and related with locally as well as globally.

1 comment:

  1. Ronesh,

    This symbol resembles one which is already in circulation (Ukranian Hryvnia).

